SMART PACKAGING : Internal Indicator 

Smart Packaging (or Intelligent Packaging) is used to described interactive devices solutions that can indicate/notify to the consumer information about the functions and the properties of the packaged product and if it’s impaired.

These type of devices can be divided in three groups:

- The external indicators which are attached outside the package and generally include time-temperature and physical shock indicators.
- The internal indicators which are placed inside the package or attached to the lid, which indicate oxygen leak , carbon dioxide and microbial presence.
- The information indicators which interact with the consumer and provide
information of the product (ingredients and expiry date) and of its usage;product traceability, anti-counterfeiting and tamperproof can also be included in this category.

Here is published a very interesting Internal label indicator which shows the shelf-life of a pear!

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Eco clever cleaning, really clever!!!! 
Aquo™ is a range of surface cleaners for Kitchen, Bathroom and Glass where the trigger spray can be refilled and reused. It is designed to be easily refilled by placing a soluble capsule into the bottle and fill with water. As the capsule dissolves the cleaning power is released. The bottle and trigger can be reused a minimum of 20 times, with consumers simply adding water at home.

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Glass of Wine! 
In a country (Italy) where wine is sold and drunk as a "carbonated soft drink" (like Coca-cola) , why no producer has tought to sell a single glass of wine?

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What's happened to this product? 
Caldo Caldo & Freddo Freddo products has been commercialised for many years with success, reaching over 20 milions of units sold per year!
Now it's no more on the market....
What's happened to it?

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Drink beer in pouch to the stadium! 
The CarboPouch™ development allows craft draft beer brewers to fill on-site, a clean, ready-to-go Single45™ or Single25™ pouch with spout and cap. Storage and shelf-life requires refrigeration. Low-carbonated water and shelf-stable energy drinks can also be filled. The organoleptic film structure ensures no off flavor. The patented film structure is designed to handle the pouch “stretch” after filling and carbonation expansion. The automatic filling process is such that there is no headspace after filling. The three-side seal pouch has a smooth side comfort grip feature. The combination of these factors makes the CarboPouch™ a true economical innovation for distribution of craft draft beers to the consumer’s home. Sports functions now have a package!

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