According to the chartered psychologist Ben Williams, the recent nostalgia brand boom is symptomatic of a society caught beteween a recession and a rapid rate of technological change.
"When times are good and life is easy, there is less nostalgia around, and when times are getting hard, people look back at the good old days. At the same time , the rate of changes is becoming too fast for many people. People find change exciting but also worrying. So thing that have been around for a while, or they remember from childwood , have an air or reability that helps them cope".

Retro Packaging is a perfect way to capture this willing of return to the past, to traditional colors , shapes making use of “natural” material like GLASS, PAPER and METAL.

It’s also called “Nostalgia design” and it helps to re-establish a relationship with “familiar” things and objectives used long time ago.

The “Retro packaging” mainly attracts adult and helps them to remind of their own past, where everything seemed to be more natural, hand-made and more tasty.

The materials used for packing deliver to the final product a “green-sounding” imagine and are generally easier to be recognised and to be collected.

Here some good examples of product which has made use of it!


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